The 5 Problems with CBD Products

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Does it seem like you’ve seen CBD promoted as a possible cure for every ailment under the sun?
Have you heard that the majority of CBD products don’t actually contain the amount of CBD and/or THC they claim on the label?
Are you worried your CBD oil might be contaminated with heavy metals or dangerous pesticides?

You are not alone - these issues and more are rampant in the wild west of CBD & hemp products!

With all these valid concerns around the mysterious world of CBD, it can be hard to experiment confidently with the benefits of hemp-derived cannabinoids.

However, with a little bit of understanding into why these problems exist, and how quality CBD product companies are working to provide solutions to common CBD problems, you’ll be confidently working CBD into your wellness regimen in no time!

Problem #1 - Unknown Effects

So how will CBD effect you?
And what is the “proper” dose of CBD?

The short answer - it’s near impossible to say.
If that sounds hopeless to you, we get it, but don’t give up on CBD just yet!

The first thing you should know is that everybody’s body & metabolism are different - this is part of what makes the question of “what are the effects of CBD” so difficult to answer. The same type & dose of a CBD product can produce completely different effects for two people even when taken at the same time & in the same setting - meaning what works best for your friend might not be best for you!

Have you tried CBD products before but not felt anything?

Many first-time CBD consumers report that they can’t feel CBD effects at all - this is usually due to the CBD dosage being below their minimum necessary threshold to feel the effects desired.

CBD does have an indirect effect on our body's Endocannabinoid system, but it is nowhere near as strong as the direct effect of THC, so much higher doses of CBD are needed for a shift in your physical and nuanced mental state.

If you don’t feel any effects from CBD on your first use of a new product, try increasing the CBD dose incrementally by 5-10mg until you notice a desirable change in how your body, mindset, and/or mood feel after consumption.

Discover the terpenes in your full spectrum CBD product & what they might do for you!

Discover the terpenes in your full spectrum CBD product & what they might do for you!

Remember that CBD is non-psychoactive, so the effects will be more subtle or nuanced from a CBD isolate product than they might be from a full spectrum hemp product with a legally allowable amount of THC (less than 0.3%) and beneficial terpenes that can also influence the effects and make CBD effects more noticeable.

In fact, terpenes are gaining prominence in legal markets as the possible drivers of nuanced experiences, so chosing a hemp or CBD product with terpenes preserved in it can help you to gauge how that product might effect you.

For instance, Linalool is a natural hemp terpene that also helps make lavender essential oil so relaxing & calming. So if you find the scent of lavender helps you unwind, consider trying a CBD product that contains the Linalool terpene if you want to use CBD to relieve tension or relax in the evening.

Another common terpene in full spectrum hemp products is Limonene - this terpene is also partly responsible for the bright fragrance & typically uplifting, focusing mental effects of citrus fruit oils.
If you’re looking to use CBD to support your wellness during the day without excess relaxation that might impede your goals, try a CBD product that contains an uplifting terpene like Limonene.

It is important to keep in mind that just as CBD and other cannabinoids can affect every person differently, some consumers can have the complete opposite experiences with terpenes from the common effects - making linalool energizing for some, and limonene calming, etc. Be sure to take note of how different terpene profiles impact each individual CBD consumption for you personally to find what works best for your needs at varying times of day!

Not only will taking account of the dose of CBD, THC and terpenes help you better predict your CBD effects, it will also help you dial in the type of CBD product & corresponding dosage that works best for your needs.

Learn how to avoid bad CBD products by first checking the CBD & THC content match the label!

Learn how to avoid bad CBD products by first checking the CBD & THC content match the label!

Problem #2 - Potency Issues

A recent study has shown that a shocking amount of CBD products simply don’t contain the amount of cannabinoids they claim on the label.

Not only do the majority of products tested have inaccurate CBD amounts on their labeling - both with occurences of stronger AND weaker CBD concentrations than those claimed - many also contain unverified amounts of THC, which could mean unwanted psychoactive effects from those incorrectly labeled CBD products at some doses!

If you’re wondering if your CBD edibles will show up on a drug test since some CBD edibles and other full spectrum hemp products do have THC in them, you’ll definitely want to confirm that your CBD product is 100% THC-free regardless of the labeling by checking the lab results.

Some CBD products tested even contained significant amounts of minor cannabinoids like CBG and CBN, which can have noticeable impacts on the effects you experience from a CBD product.

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In order to know your true dose of CBD for specific effects & repeatable experiences, it is imperative that your CBD product have accurately disclosed cannabinoid levels for each batch.

If you’re wondering how to tell CBD potency in products you find online, and how to confirm whether or not your CBD product has THC in it, be sure to check out our blog series on interpreting CBD lab results for tips on verifying the strength of CBD and THC in hemp products.

Problem #3 - Purity Issues

In addition to concerns about the amounts of cannabinoids in CBD products, one must also be aware of the possible dangers of contamination of CBD products with heavy metals, pesticides, and other harmful adulterants.

Whether you’re using a CBD edible, a hemp tincture, or a cannabinoid extract, you’ll want to ensure that the starting material was tested for common pollutants that could adversely impact your health.

If you already have health concerns, the last thing you want in your CBD are heavy metals and pesticides like mercury, arsenic, and other chemicals that can damage your body even at low doses!

These contaminants are even believed to be the culprits for some CBD side effects, rather than the CBD molecule itself - so confirming they’re absent from your CBD products will not only protect your health, it will help you avoid a bad experience with CBD that might prevent you from exploring the full benefits that hemp products have to offer.

We covered how to look for these heavy metal & pesticide lab results in our recent blog series on Understanding CBD Lab Results to help you ensure that no adulterants in your CBD could potentially harm you.

Problem #4 - False Health Claims

By now you’ve likely seen CBD suggested as a possible treatment for every ailment under the sun, from everyday discomfort to serious chronic health conditions.
But how much of that is scientific truth?

Here’s what we know so far: CBD has shown real impacts in the fight against certain seizure and epilepsy conditions, as well as some potential promise for use against a wide range of other illnesse like Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, depression and anxiety according to the Mayo Clinic.

However, hard scientific research is still underway to better understand the true effects of CBD on our health, and how best to use it in a medical setting.

As such, no reputable CBD company should be making any sort of claims about their product’s effectiveness against specific illnesses or conditions - there simply isn’t enough scientific proof to back up these promises to consumers, so they cannot be made in good faith.

Be weary of any CBD company claiming their product can “cure” anything!

Not only are there lots of CBD & Hemp companies making such health claims without sufficient evidence to support the effects - there are also some legitimate concerns about the safety of CBD based on dosage for some patients and existing medication interactions that require further research.

One common concern is the effect of CBD on the liver, as the result of some media attention around studies into liver toxicity from varying CBD doses. However, CBD seems to only have acute liver effects at doses much higher than what you would typically consume in a day, and the average daily dose range of CBD did not seem to present any concerns of acute liver toxicity in studies conducted at this time.

The Mayo Clinic also has this to say about other potential side effects of CBD products:

“Though it's often well-tolerated, CBD can cause side effects, such as dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. CBD can also interact with other medications you're taking, such as blood thinners.”

Some people have also reported increased feelings of aggression from CBD at certain doses. So while these side effects are not acutely life-threatening and will go away in due time, they may certainly be uncomfortable.

It is important to note that CBD may have similar drug interactions as grapefruit juice through the same metabolic mechanism, raising the amount of medication in your bloodstream to dangerous levels - so if you take medication that warns against grapefruit consumption, you may want to avoid CBD as well to be cautious.

As with any new supplement or medication, it is imperative to discuss how CBD might fit into your health regimen with your doctor or licensed healthcare provider prior to trying it, to ensure that there are no concerns of CBD’s effects with other medications you might be taking.

Problem #5 - Bad Actors in the Industry

As you can tell from our discussions of CBD potency, purity, and concerning health claims, there are lot of companies that have rushed into the CBD space in search of profit without considering the impacts of their CBD product on consumer health.

A lack of comprehensive federal & state policies on CBD has allowed some of these bad actors to operate in the CBD industry unchecked, leading to an abundance of “bad CBD” out there.

As such, avoiding bad CBD products requires a bit of due diligence on your part as the consumer.
Thankfully, you can spot the indicators of bad CBD companies with a few easy tips.

Here’s a quick guide on how to find a quality CBD product from a brand you can trust:

  • check for frequent, legitimate lab results done by batch of finished product AND on hemp or CBD starting materials for all products offered.

    • Lab results should at minimum confirm THC & CBD amounts listed on the labeling, and ideally include terpenes, minor cannabinoids, and lack of contaminants.

    • Companies that take lab testing seriously should provide comprehensive results for your exact product batch by identifying number or production date, not just one lab test for a full product line!

  • check the company’s website and social media for any false health claims, out-of-regulation THC amounts promoted in products (greater than 0.3% by weight), or other red flags about the effects and trustworthiness of their products & business.

  • When in doubt, send the company a message or call them with questions about their ingredients, source materials, lab results, and/or your specific use needs - if they don’t answer at all, avoid answering direct questions fully, or sound shady when they respond, beware of their products!

Final Thoughts

We hope that this guide to the pros and cons of CBD available today has helped you feel more confident navigating the world of hemp products!

If you have specific questions about using CBD, try using our specialized search engine to find your answers inside our video & podcast educational content.

At Periodic, we’re dedicated to providing the insights you need to take charge of your CBD experiences - reach out to us today for personalized assistance if you need more guidance.


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